(Corner of Hwy 1 & Hwy 8 North)
M: 7:30-5:30
T: 7:30-5:30
W: 7:30-5:30
T: 7:30-5:30
F: 7:30-5:30
S: 8:00-3:00
Mar 24, 2022
Maximize efficiency during your planting window with a seed tender from Flaman
Timing is everything. In the farming world, it is important to be ready to go when nature calls. Seed tenders are great tools to maximize efficiency and reduce downtime during the planting window. Similar to how grain carts keep the combines rolling at harvest time, seed tenders are designed to keep the drills in the field and maximize available seeding hours in the spring. Some of the main reasons seed tenders are growing in popularity include: Speed & Efficiency Convenience, Versatility & Portability Scale Benefits Speed & Efficiency Speed and efficiency are often the deciding factors that influence producers to purchase a seed tender....
Posted by: Mitch Flaman
Category: Product Information
Tags: seeding | planting | seed tender | J&M | Convey-All | Haul All