Flaman Agriculture Blog

Dec 12, 2021

Get Out and Enjoy Winter Part 3 - Safety

For countless winters, Canadians have instinctively taken to the outdoors. That habit has given us a national sport, long average lifespans, and a reputation for friendliness, hardiness and adaptability. Most of us went out without the knowledge of studies documenting the good we were doing our minds and bodies. Fresh air, being active, and the natural beauty of our country were reasons enough. Even if we find ourselves spending less time outside, the door is always open. So here’s some information for those who’d like to regain the joy of winters past and those yet to fully discover what the...

Dec 12, 2021

Get Out and Enjoy Winter Part 2 - Benefits

For countless winters, Canadians have instinctively taken to the outdoors. That habit has given us a national sport, long average lifespans, and a reputation for friendliness, hardiness and adaptability.  Most of us went out without the knowledge of studies documenting the good we were doing our minds and bodies. Fresh air, being active, and the natural beauty of our country were reasons enough. Even if we find ourselves spending less time outside, the door is always open. So here’s some information for those who’d like to regain the joy of winters past and those yet to fully discover what the...

Dec 12, 2021

Get Out and Enjoy Winter Part 1 - Appreciation

For countless winters, Canadians have instinctively taken to the outdoors. That habit has given us a national sport, long average lifespans, and a reputation for friendliness, hardiness and adaptability. Most of us went out without the knowledge of studies documenting the good we were doing our minds and bodies. Fresh air, being active, and the natural beauty of our country were reasons enough. Even if we find ourselves spending less time outside, the door is always open. So here’s some information for those who’d like to regain the joy of winters past and those yet to fully discover what the...

Oct 27, 2021

Flaman Launches First Storefront Location in Peace River Region

WELD (verb)  1. join together (metal pieces or parts) by heating the surfaces to the point of melting using a blowtorch, electric arc, or other means, and uniting them by pressing, hammering, etc.  2. cause to combine and form a harmonious or effective whole.  Oxford Dictionary  The bond between Flaman and Dunvegan Fab & Welding has made both parties stronger – not to mention what it’s done for life in the Peace River Country.    It was officially forged at the beginning of March 2021, when Flaman Sales purchased the busy shop from Trevor Kerschbaumer of Kerba Group. But Flaman’s relationship with DF&W goes back for years, and its presence...

Posted by: Jeff Brown

Category: Local News

Oct 14, 2021

Reclaim land with a Kello-Bilt Disc Ripper from Flaman

It’s time to get ripping this fall and reclaim that land that hasn’t been seeded in years. When the fall weather permits, tillage and other end-of-season work is necessary to get a jump start on prepping next year’s seedbed before the spring rush. Disc ripping is a great tillage method that you can use to break up hardpan and compaction layers, manage trash and crop residue, and increase acres by reclaiming some of the low spots in your field. In-field product demo at the Discovery Farm site in Langham, SK Given the dry conditions this year, the opportunity to reclaim...
