Jeff Brown's Blogs

Jan 17, 2023

What's it like being a Flaman Rental Dealer?

We could explain how we support our dealers and how our Rentals division reflects Flaman’s history and community culture (which we will). However, to provide a clear picture of the actual dealership experience, it’s best to let our dealers speak for themselves.   Today, we are sharing the experience of current rental dealers with you.      An Unforeseen Advantage: Brian Headon   We recently talked with Brian from Headon Rentals in Lloydminster. He shared his insightful perspective on how becoming a Flaman dealer added to their existing livestock farm.    We decided to become a Flaman Rental Dealer because it...

Posted by: Jeff Brown

Category: Testimonials

Tags: Rentals | Ag news

Jun 16, 2022

Grain Cart Unloading Done Just Right

It really does matter how you look at it. Watching those harvest bushels pour out of your auger may do your heart good, but your back and neck don’t fare so well.   That’s because traditional grain carts unload on the left-hand side, causing you to turn away from your tractor controls. Meanwhile, anyone in your buddy seat has to do his own contortions to stay out of your way while you try to accurately offload grain. All that straining and stretching to see what’s happening makes for a long, unpleasant day - and a sore, sleepless night.    Thankfully,...

Mar 7, 2022

When Melted Snow Must Go, Flaman Pumps You Out

It's great to see the winter snow melt, but it can leave a sea of excess meltwater on your farm, acreage, or worksite. Flooded ditches, construction sites, dugouts, or even just low-lying spots in your field can accumulate serious pools of water. The sucking mud that comes with it can make you miss frozen-solid winter ground. Fortunately, Flaman carries a number of water pumps to help you move winter snowmelt water quickly – giving your spring growth room to breathe. Our large selection of water pumps range in size from 1” to 4” from brands like Honda and BE. We also carry two brands...

Oct 27, 2021

Flaman Launches First Storefront Location in Peace River Region

WELD (verb)  1. join together (metal pieces or parts) by heating the surfaces to the point of melting using a blowtorch, electric arc, or other means, and uniting them by pressing, hammering, etc.  2. cause to combine and form a harmonious or effective whole.  Oxford Dictionary  The bond between Flaman and Dunvegan Fab & Welding has made both parties stronger – not to mention what it’s done for life in the Peace River Country.    It was officially forged at the beginning of March 2021, when Flaman Sales purchased the busy shop from Trevor Kerschbaumer of Kerba Group. But Flaman’s relationship with DF&W goes back for years, and its presence...
